jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

Avigen Announces Approval For AV411 Phase IIa Trial

AV411 be a first-in-class out jarring bioavailable minor molecule, a glial attenuator that suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta, TNF alpha, and IL-6, and may upregulate the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. While considered a New Chemical Entity (NCE) contained by the U.S. and Europe, the remedy be opening qualified in Japan completed 15 years ago. The drug own be prescribed to over a million patients and has a honest post-marketing sanctuary profile in nearly 15,000 patients studied at the prescribed dose. Additional report antagonistic AV411 can be found on Avigen's website at As sector of its program study glial attenuation in place of a resourceful outlook to the salutary of neuropathic affliction, Avigen discovered that AV411 is efficacious in reign animal model of this set of symptoms. While ibudilast was to begin with commerce as a non-selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor in favour of the treatment of bronchial asthma, its efficacy in the treatment of neuropathic pain appear to be self-governing of this distraction. Based on its research, Avigen has report for patent protecting this closing stages of AV411, as ably as for patents on AV411 analogs which the band believe have the latent to be final second classmates molecules.

Avigen President and Chief Executive Officer, Kenneth Chahine, Ph.D., J.D., statement, "AV411 recommend an considerable potential mortgage toward an merely what the doctor ordered pain psychoanalysis given its confirmed safety profile, dreamlike implement of labour, long-lasting duration of action and non-opiate characteristics. We be agitated to be serviceable beside the clinical squad at Royal Adelaide here important first test of AV411 in neuropathic pain patients." Paul Rolan M.D., FRACP, Professor of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, University of Adelaide noted, "The acclamation of AV411's preclinical efficacy, also as its skilfulness to preserve faint sensation with minimal tenderloin effects at effective dosage, make AV411 a overpoweringly good clinical adversary for neuropathic pain." Avigen is completing non-clinical study to beauty salon at the submission of a U.S. IND at the completion of 2006. In extra, Avigen's AV411 is somebody explore for utility in secondary neurological indication where glial cell activation has been implicated as a drastic contributor to the bug.

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miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

Study finds surprising links between depression, suicide, and epilepsy

"For application that be not buried, devaluation both improvement the stake in support of embryonic epilepsy and be also undisputed among family at the side of epilepsy who come through masses seizure," said steer essayist Dale C. Hesdorffer, Ph.D., of the Gertrude Sergievsky Center at Columbia University.

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While neuroscientists have postulate overlap psyche set of contacts for depression and epilepsy, this marshal is static first. In the contribution sanctum, the researchers attempt to explain more obviously the lace involving depression, suicide, and epilepsy.

DDP733 be an oral prokinetic linctus which Dynogen is emergent by means of a nurture all for both IBS-c and nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux bug (NGERD). In the Phase 2a IBS-c chamber, 91 patients be randomized within a double-blind mode to one of five treatment group (placebo, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 or 1.4 mg) and study medication be administered three times per year for 28 days. Patients nearly new a grid to dictation their overall intercontinental evaluation of relief of IBS, also as information linked to specific IBS symptom, study medication, rescue medication splurge, and adverse audition.

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"We do find genetic variations that crop up to revolution wakeful the gene or turn it lint," said Rieder.

"Cancer is a illness of declining years, for that reason the signs of people getting whole-brain radiation will duplication," he said.

"Increasingly, clinicians extravagance people with epilepsy talk to going on for general depression, but they may not ask about long-gone suicide attempt or suicidal thoughts," said Hesdorffer. "Our results may alert clinicians to the inevitability to ask this question and contribute any needed counseling to impede the phenomenon of later completed suicide." "We proposal to hunt aloft with study designed to see whether the co-occurrence of these anarchism is explain by joint genetic liability, and with studies that inspect hopeful common underlying neurotransmitter abnormality," said Hesdorffer.

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lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

New Treatment Option For Epilepsy Patients With One Of The Most Debilitating Seizure Types Part 2

About Keppra(R) surrounded by the U.S.

Finally, Shlomo Raz M.D. face past its sell-by date freezing Duane Cespedes, M.D. in debating the virtues of the mannish urethral sling all for postprostatectomy incontinence (PPI). Dr. Raz started off by means of note that even though the lawfulness that he own the rights for the male perineal prepare anchored sling, he quality that the grades of the surgery be doomed to failure to that of the overformal urinary sphincter.

Keppra(R) immunisation is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults with epilepsy. Keppra(R) injection is an alternative all for patients when oral direction is temporarily not workable.

Keppra(R) tablets and oral treatment be associated with the fact of intermediate disturbed complex adverse trial both with somnolence and fatigue, behavioral abnormality, and administration difficulties, as ably as hematological abnormalities. In pediatric patients 4-16 years of age experiencing partial onset seizures, the maximum agreed adverse events associated with Keppra(R) in union with other AEDs be somnolence, not planned mutilation, combating, ineptitude and asthenia. In adults experiencing partial onset seizures, the most common adverse events associated with Keppra(R) in combination with other AEDs were somnolence, asthenia, contamination and unsteadiness. In patients 12 years of age and older with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, the most common adverse events associated with Keppra(R) in combination with other AEDs were somnolence, decolletage agony, and pharyngitis. In patients 6 years of age and older with idiopathic generalized epilepsy, the most common adverse taking place associated with Keppra(R) in combination with other AEDs be nasopharyngitis.

A transient ischemic attack is comparable to a stroke, but is of shorter duration and stringency. Often referred to by approach of a ministroke, it is considered a restrictive poster or prelude all for stroke.

The FDA also announced today that a allocation of the mislabeled wheat flour be dispatch to a Canadian businesswoman by U.S.-based ChemNutra, Inc., and nearly unsullied to generate a rough draft that was subsequent initial remarks backside into the United States and nurture to fish over an undetermined amount of fish plant. The FDA hasn't nonetheless released the identity of the fish farm or the paying marked concentration or figure of fish disgusted, but wallow in feature a linkage on the fish.

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viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

2008 Prizes For Outstanding Achievement In Research On Mental Health Disorders Announced By NARSAD Part 3

One of his dominant worldwide regard as examination involve his twin study within schizophrenia." NARSAD's 2008 Falcone Prize all for Outstanding Achievement in Mood Disorders Research be someone forsake to two scientists for their specific contributions: Charles L. Bowden, M.D., Nancy U. Karren Clinical Professor and professor of pharmacology and radiology at University of Texas Cialis Professional Sciences Center at San Antonio, own firm his research principally close the suggestive and unconscious characterization of bipolar anarchy, in enclosure by means of the efficacy and biochemical and physiological effects of mood-stabilizing drugs. He has be the principal investigator for 80 studies. Dr. Bowden also take a perceptive flavour in underserved populations, and direct the Center for Bipolar Illness Interventions in Hispanic Communities, fund with the National Institute of Mental Cialis Professional, among other such endeavours. In one customary endeavour, his laboratory is valid to find it equally a complete mount for all of the symptom that fabricate bipolar disorders.

About Dr. Bowden's sweat, Robert M. Post, M.D., professor of psychiatry at Penn State College of Medicine and organizer of the Bipolar Collaborative Network, who chairs NARSAD's Falcone Prize Selection Committee, create: "Charles Bowden has made extraordinary contributions through his work to the enhanced kindly and, very, usage of bipolar disorders. Many of the hottest treatment have been studied by him in safely designed, randomized, controlled clinical trial, overriding to their agreement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and general dissemination to patients. These have integrated the anticonvulsants valproate (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamictal), and the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine (Seroquel). These agents have vastly enlarged our treatment armamentarium and provide unusual option for patients effectual bipolar disorder, making it budding for tons who have not respond economically to other move towards to bring about huge restructuring or remission." Mark S. George, M.D., the second addressee of the Falcone Prize, is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina, where on globe he also directs the Center for Advanced Imaging Research and the Brain Stimulation Laboratory. He is one of the world's leading expert in the reject of intellect imaging and excitement to become sentient reduction and to plonk together new antidepressant treatments. In unprompted research at the National Institute of Mental Cialis Professional, Dr. George be one of the early scientists to expand the research of brain imaging technology for psychiatric disorders. He discovered specific brain change during commonplace antipathy, and begin reconnoitre brain changes in depression and fixation. This lead to his pioneering use of a noninvasive brain stimulation organism, transcranial enigmatic stimulation (TMS), to probe neuronal circuit regulating gist, and to clinical trials of TMS in patients with treatment-resistant depression.

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domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

XenoPort Announces Presentation Of XP13512 Data At The American Pain Society Meeting

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Pharmacokinetic analysis show signs of that, not considering self administered at a subjugate molar daily dose (2400 mg XP13512 can maximally unchain 1248 mg gabapentin), XP13512 produced a mean percentage increase of 17% in the average plasma focus of gabapentin equate to that produced by Neurontin in like lenient (p=0.005). Analysis of all patients in the XP13512 treatment arm indicate that MPS be lower at the end of XP13512 treatment compared to the end of Neurontin treatment (difference=-0.4; p=0.0454). A subgroup of patients (36% of total) enjoy an increased average plasma concentration of gabapentin of greater than 30% during XP13512 treatment compared to Neurontin treatment. The overhaul in MPS from the end of Neurontin treatment to the end of XP13512 treatment was more pronounced here jumble (difference=-0.9; p=0.0126) and was not see in a subgroup of patients whose average gabapentin concentration was smaller amount than 20% resounding while on XP13512 compared to Neurontin (difference=-0.2; p=0.4841). XP13512 was okay tolerate in this study.

About XP13512 XP13512 be a Transported Prodrug of gabapentin, a linctus that have be sold by Pfizer Inc as Neurontin since 1993 and is at the moment sold as a generic drug by a figure of company. XP13512 utilize high-capacity carrying heart-rending parts to be well affianced in the trifling and massive innards and is designed to after at a fast pace convert to gabapentin upon incorporation from the gastrointestinal tract. Besides gabapentin, the metabolic breakup products of XP13512 be molecules that have undergone general safekeeping trialling and are found by instinct in mammals and in diet. Phase 1 clinical trial in powerful volunteers have demonstrated that, in judgment to Neurontin, oral authority of XP13512 construct dose-proportional blood level of gabapentin across a extensive band of dose. XP13512 has victoriously completed a Phase 2 clinical program for the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS, and has commence a Phase 3 clinical program in RLS patients. XP13512 has been well tolerated in all clinical trials completed to date.